Questions & Answers

Is Jared free ?

To enable everyone to have their own assistant, the majority of its functions are free thanks to the freemium version. Which makes it an inclusive tool. But it will also be possible to take analyses further and add new features with the premium version.

If it's free, we're the product ?

Not at all, Jared attaches great importance to protecting your data. That’s why there’s a premium version – the aim is to avoid the advertising approach. Jared also has a B2B business model that provides other sources of revenue. Your data is safe 🙂

What makes Jared different from other financial management tools ?

We are not better or more efficient, we are simply working on an aspect that everyone forgets or neglects :
To manage your finances well, you first need to understand your financial situation and everything that influences it. And it’s not enough to learn or understand your situation once, because it’s constantly changing. People are being asked to make decisions on subjects they don’t know much about (normal, they’re not professionals) and which are constantly changing.
That’s why we need regular support. That’s what Jared does for you, every step of the way.

Why do I need an assistant ?

We noticed that there were also big inequalities in terms of financial education. It’s not something we’re taught at school, and it’s more something we inherit, so we don’t all start out equal.
And the differences between people don’t stop there! We don’t all have the same capacity to learn, to understand how to manage our money, or even in terms of the time available! We don’t all have the time to do that. Today, we have virtual assistants for many aspects of our lives : sport, nutrition, well-being, health, etc. It’s time we had one for our finances. That’s exactly what Jared offers.
A simple assistant within everyone’s reach

When can we download the Jared application ?

We still need a few months to get a first deployable version. If all goes well, Jared will be ready in January 2024.

How can you follow us ?

If you’d like to follow Jared’s adventure, learn more or simply be kept informed of his release, you can follow us on instagram, or simply by registering on this site. What’s more, you can take advantage of small early bird bonuses!